CES Sessions
All sessions are offered at no cost.

23 Sep 2024

Cross Cultural Parenting Program - Session 1: Introduction to Parenting ***please register using the poster only***

10:00 AM - Noon

Presenters: Yanping & Marco
Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association (CIWA)

Participants will learn:
• Challenges of parenting in a new country and culture
• Social and institutional pressures
• Norms, values and laws in Canada with a focus on supervision and child abuse laws

Four part series poster

24 Sep 2024

ADHD Essentials for Parents ***please register using the poster only***

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Presented By: Tanya Keto (MEd), Registered Psychologist
Clinic Director of AVERY Family and School Psychology Services

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders in children. It is usually first diagnosed in childhood and often lasts into adulthood. Children with ADHD may have trouble paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviours, or over-activity. There are three different types of ADHD, depending on which symptoms are strongest in the individual, and each of these subtypes may impact children differently. Neurological deficits, not unwillingness, keep kids with attention deficit disorder from learning and behaving in expected ways. Adults are key in setting these students on a path to success! In this session, we will discuss ADHD diagnosis, the ADHD brain, ADHD as a disorder of Executive Functioning, treatment, and setting kids up for success.


25 Sep 2024

Perinatal Mental Health 101 - What you need to know and how to support ***please register using the poster only***

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Presented by:
Amanda McMillan BA and CPS (Certified Peer Supporter)
Manager of Family & Community Programs

Maternal mental health struggles are the most common complications of childbirth, yet they are not screened for or treated for enough. The focus of this presentation will be discussing the prenatal/postpartum experience and how it can impact a person's mental and emotional health. How common it is, what to look for, how to talk about it, and how to support yourself, a loved one, or in a professional setting. This discussion can never happen enough or too early or too late, and all are welcome to join this very important discussion.


26 Sep 2024

Navigating Technology with our Youth ***please register using the poster only***

Noon - 1:30 PM

Presented by: Andrea Halwas Larsen, in partnership with Juno House

In this 1.5 hour presentation, we will discuss the role of technology and today’s youth. The message of this presentation is not only based on technology, but also about a child’s healthy brain development and the necessary parenting/caregiver role in creating healthy, emotional, regulated, and integrated brains. This presentation will address the underpinning of a child’s emotional brain development and how to grow it, as well as how technology can dangerously hijack this.

We believe that talking does not grow neurons; experience grows neurons. This workshop is designed to give attendees the skills to become their child’s emotional coach. The workshop will provide participants with:
• An understanding of the basic neuroscience behind healthy brain development,
• The dangers of technology for healthy brain development,
• Technology use rules that will help your child
• When building healthy brains, how to identify emotions in your child/student, and
• How to become your child’s/student’s emotional coach in only five steps and in that, build a resilient child.

The presentation is facilitated by a therapist from Juno House who has years of both clinical and facilitating experience. Juno House was founded in 2008 as a Centre of Excellence for adolescent girls and young women who are experiencing anxiety-based mental health issues of self harm, obsessive compulsive disorders, depression and eating disorders.


07 Oct 2024

Cross Cultural Parenting Program - Session 2: Parenting Styles ***please register using the poster only***

10:00 AM - Noon

Presenters: Yanping & Marco
Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association (CIWA)

• Discussion on different parenting styles
• Impact of parenting styles on child development and growth
• Experience of immigrant children growing up in a cross-cultural context

Four part series poster

16 Oct 2024

Building Strong Bonds: Understanding Parent-Child Attachment ***please register using the poster only***

6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Jessica George RSW, Dip. in Social Work, Family Support Facilitator,
Sumeet Kalsi Dip. in Early Childhood Development & Education, Family Coordinator
Robyn Macpherson ECE, BA (ChSt), Family Support Facilitator
Parent & Caregiver Support Services with the City of Chestermere

This presentation looks at the important relationship between parents and children, showing how it affects a child's emotions and social skills. We will discuss key theories and real-life examples, and share tips on how to strengthen these important bonds in daily life.


21 Oct 2024

Peer Pressure: what is it and what can I do about it? ***please register using the poster only***

6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Presenter: Nicole Sheldon, R. Psychologist, Sheldon Psychology Group

Pressures to conform are all around us. Exploring the psychology behind peer pressure makes it easier to understand the dynamics in play and how to make reasoned, rather than reactive decisions.


23 Oct 2024

Neurodevelopmental genetic conditions: A broad range of presentations and testing options ***please register using the poster only***

6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Billie Au MD, PhD, Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Calgary
Kara Murias MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, University of Calgary

Many neurodevelopmental conditions are either caused or influenced by an individual's genetics. This presentation will give an overview of how genetics can contribute to neurodevelopmental disorders. We will review most recent Canadian recommendations for genetic testing for neurodevelopmental conditions.
